Renewal of the Presidium of the International Association of Procedural Law

The Council of the Association, meeting during the XVI World Congress held in November in Kobe (Japan), renewed the Presidium of the Association, which will be constituted for the next four years as follows: Professor Eduardo OTEIZA [President], Professor Richard L. MARCUS [Vice President (North America)], Professor Masahiko OMURA [Vice President (Asia and South Pacific)], Professor Luiz Guilherme MARINONI [Vice President (South America)], Professor Burkhard HESS [Vicepresident (Europe)], Professor Remo CAPONI [Secretary General], Professor Frédérique FERRAND [Secretary General], Professor Margaret Y.K. WOO [Secretary General] and Professor Fernando GASCÓN INCHAUSTI [Executive Secretary General]. The Association also expresses its immense gratitude to the outgoing President and new Honorary President, Prof. Dr. Loïc Cadiet.


Renouvellement du Présidium de l'Association internationale de droit procédural

Le Conseil de l'Association, réuni lors du XVIe Congrès mondial qui s'est tenu en novembre à Kobe (Japon), a renouvelé le Présidium de l'Association, qui sera constitué pour les quatre prochaines années comme suit: Professor Eduardo OTEIZA [President], Professor Richard L. MARCUS [Vice President (North America)], Professor Masahiko OMURA [Vice President (Asia and South Pacific)], Professor Luiz Guilherme MARINONI [Vice President (South America)], Professor Burkhard HESS [Vicepresident (Europe)], Professor Remo CAPONI [Secretary General], Professor Frédérique FERRAND [Secretary General], Professor Margaret Y.K. WOO [Secretary General] and Professor Fernando GASCÓN INCHAUSTI [Executive Secretary General]. L'Association exprime également son immense gratitude au Président sortant et nouveau Président Honoraire, le Prof. Dr. Loïc CADIET.


Erneuerung des Präsidiums der Internationalen Vereinigung für Verfahrensrecht

Der Assoziationsrat, der während des XVI. Weltkongresses im November in Kobe (Japan) tagte, erneuerte das Präsidium der Assoziation, das für die nächsten vier Jahre wie folgt gebildet wird: Professor Eduardo OTEIZA [President], Professor Richard L. MARCUS [Vice President (North America)], Professor Masahiko OMURA [Vice President (Asia and South Pacific)], Professor Luiz Guilherme MARINONI [Vice President (South America)], Professor Burkhard HESS [Vicepresident (Europe)], Professor Remo CAPONI [Secretary General], Professor Frédérique FERRAND [Secretary General], Professor Margaret Y.K. WOO [Secretary General] and Professor Fernando GASCÓN INCHAUSTI [Executive Secretary General]. Die Vereinigung spricht dem scheidenden Präsidenten und neuen Ehrenpräsident, Prof. Dr. Loïc CADIET, seinen unermesslichen Dank aus.


Rinnovo del Presidio dell'Associazione internazionale di diritto processuale

Il Consiglio dell'Associazione, riunito durante il XVI Congresso mondiale tenutosi a novembre a Kobe (Giappone), ha rinnovato il Presidio dell'Associazione, che sarà costituito per i prossimi quattro anni come segue: Professor Eduardo OTEIZA [President], Professor Richard L. MARCUS [Vice President (North America)], Professor Masahiko OMURA [Vice President (Asia and South Pacific)], Professor Luiz Guilherme MARINONI [Vice President (South America)], Professor Burkhard HESS [Vicepresident (Europe)], Professor Remo CAPONI [Secretary General], Professor Frédérique FERRAND [Secretary General], Professor Margaret Y.K. WOO [Secretary General] and Professor Fernando GASCÓN INCHAUSTI [Executive Secretary General]. L'Associazione esprime anche la sua immensa gratitudine al Presidente uscente e nuovo Presidente Onorario, il Prof. Dr. Loïc CADIET.


Renovación del Presidium de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Procesal

El Consejo de la Asociación, reunido durante el XVI Congreso Mundial celebrado en noviembre en Kobe (Japón), renovó su órgano de dirección (Presidium) que quedará constituido para los cuatro años siguientes en estos términos: Professor Eduardo OTEIZA [President], Professor Richard L. MARCUS [Vice President (North America)], Professor Masahiko OMURA [Vice President (Asia and South Pacific)], Professor Luiz Guilherme MARINONI [Vice President (South America)], Professor Burkhard HESS [Vicepresident (Europe)], Professor Remo CAPONI [Secretary General], Professor Frédérique FERRAND [Secretary General], Professor Margaret Y.K. WOO [Secretary General] and Professor Fernando GASCÓN INCHAUSTI [Executive Secretary General]. La Asociación expresa asimismo su inmensa gratitud al Presidente saliente y nuevo Presidente Honorario, el Prof. Dr. Loïc CADIET.

XVIth World Congress of the IAPL - 2/5 November 2019 - Kobe (Japan)

The 16th World Congress of the International Association of Procedural Law took place in Kobe, Japan, on November 2 - 5, 2019. The topic of the Congress was "Challenges for Civil Justice as We Move Beyond Globalization and Technological Change". The webpage, with much more detailed information, is available here.

The Chair of Legal Culture of the University of Girona (Spain) organized the Evidential Legal Reasoning World Congress. The event wasattended by 18 speakers from 4 continents, all of them major international specialists in the field of evidentiary reasoning in the judicial process. The purpose of the conference was to offer, as one of its main attractions, a debate among the different perspectives of different legal traditions and cultures around the world.

All the information are available on:

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